Architecture Department Internship Announcement


about Summer Practice

(Department of Architecture Students)

Those, who are planning to do their summer practices this summer, have to get an “Occupational Health and Safety” training*. This training will be scheduled according to your classes. To have an appointment for this training, you should do the following:

  1. Enroll “Arch 331/431” class on Lectures web page (enrollment key:Arch331431)
  2. Find the online “Occupational Health and Safety Training” assignment.
  3. Choose one of the time slots from the list below:

Monday 9:00-11:00

Monday 14:00-16:00

Wednesday 9:00-11:00

Wednesday 14:00-16:00

Friday 9:00-11:00

Friday 14:00-16:00

  1. Fill out the attached excel file
  2. Upload the file to the lectures assignment system before March 17, 2017, 17:30.

Summer Practice Commission

For Further Information